Beyond our curriculum we include a rich mix of indoor and outdoor exploration for our four levels of care.
Our newly expanded playgrounds (yep...we have two), our enclosed courtyard, and our large indoor multi-purpose space give the children lots of space to run and play.
Active children are happy growing children. And, we do all we can to keep them joyfully engaged throughout the day.

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Let's Play Outside
Kids love to play outside! And teachers love outdoor time, too. It's a relaxing, stress-reducing, tension-relieving part of the day, and a time when much development and learning takes place.

We learn and grow on the playground by:
Climbing to develop motor skills and judgment about what we can do safely.
Riding toys for balance and coordination
Letting our imaginations fly as we create cities, harbors, and castles in the sand box.
We stretch our minds outside:
Watching plants grow
Seeing living things like worms, and crickets, and our two box turtle friends in the courtyard
Feeling and observing the change of the seasons
Collecting rocks and leaves and other natural wonders.
The outdoor environment is an extension of the classroom. We plan for this part of the day just as much as we do our indoor routines. So don't be surprised if you come by and find that we have brought easels outside and kids are painting. Or, you might notice children bathing their babies and taking them for a ride in a wagon.
Perhaps, best of all on the playground children learn social skills of cooperating, taking turns, and being on a team as they run and play games together.
The time spent outside is a valuable part of our daily schedule. At FPELC we have two playgrounds that we recently expanded: one for ages 6 weeks - 2 years and one for 2 - 5 years of age.
Let's Play Inside
Running, jumping, climbing, skipping, hopping, throwing, and balancing come naturally to young children, but kids need plenty of opportunities to practice them. We are blessed with a huge gym-like hall just for this purpose.
Large motor activities are an important part of your child's day at preschool. With daily large-motor experiences, children practice fundamental movement skills that help them develop good self-esteem and physical competence.
Our developmentally appropriate movement curriculum facilitates gets kids running jumping, skipping, dancing, and throwing and kicking balls. As with all skills, motor skills must be practiced to improve. You might see us moving like snakes, cats, bears, dinosaurs, or frogs.
Music gets us moving too! We sometimes jog to release tension and we occasionally jump simply for the joy of it. We want children to be physically fit because it's important to their health. But we also know they learn better when they are healthy and in good physical condition. When the weather doesn't let us go outside to play we are blessed to have Washburn Hall here at FPELC. This multi-purpose room is also used as our indoor play area.